France Sarbacane Sportive Amateurs - Site National du Tir à la Sarbacane Sportive
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Dernières photos de l'album (suite...)

Fiche utilisateur Meijin

9 messages

Région: US. Ville: Pennsylvania.
Age: 72 ans. Inscrit depuis 17 ans. Connecté il y a 21 j.

Derniers messages dans le forum

64358 nouveau record du monde salle 10m 03/07/2011 05:21:04 One last thing - his shots are NOT recognized by the JSFA, as this is NOT official JSFA equipment!
64356 nouveau record du monde salle 10m 03/07/2011 05:13:16 See a photo of Mr. Mitsuaki Yoshida and his barrel at any of the Yahoo blowgun forums. His accompl...
64348 IFA: Soke-Dai Announcement 02/07/2011 03:21:16 I received this from Dr. Hironori Higuchi: 25 April 2011 Dave, I am very happy that you un...
63871 IFA Regulations 18/02/2011 19:59:13 Mesdames et Monsieurs, Please get your facts straight ... I am the scribe, NOT the author of t...
55162 New toys for blowgun skeet shooting 28/09/2008 03:49:33 ID/6E526FDE-5F8B-463D-AEB...
42918 Blowgun competition on German TV 25/01/2008 04:11:46 Check out the video at:
41689 Fukiyado: The Way of the Sport Blowgun 01/12/2007 20:00:10 Sorry, I studied the French language 42 years ago, and have not had the opportunity to use it very ...
41460 Fukiyado: The Way of the Sport Blowgun 24/11/2007 03:05:31 Apprenez mon technique d'enseignement - comment charger les dards, différentes manières de tenir le...
41078 Fukiyado: The Way of the Sport Blowgun 09/11/2007 04:59:17 I've been promising to let everyone know when I finally got my first book published, so here it is:...

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